Category Archives: love

Intuitive Tarot Lesson 3: How the Symbolism of Tarot Supports Your Intuition

Intuitive Tarot Readings by Jeannie
San Francisco, CA
Jeannie Zukav
Main Website
Mobile Website
Call: 415 267-3970

In 1989 when I first moved to San Francisco to complete my college studies in creative writing and education, I felt a strong calling to support my Intuition. I was immersed in assignments from school, yet something deeper was urging me to broaden my scope. I found myself delving into the oral tradition, creation and cautionary stories passed on through the ages to protect us. I started looking at symbols and the lessons they taught. It wasn’t long before I found myself with my first Tarot Deck. I chose the Motherpeace cards (see my blog about choosing your first deck below).

I tried to find the oldest stories from as many parts of the world as I could. I wanted to learn the lessons of the ones who lived before me. I looked at the symbols they wove into their cloths, marked onto their bodies, crafted into their pottery, carved into stones, painted onto cave walls. I listened to sacred music, the songs they sang and watched ceremonial dances. I listened to the prayers and mantras that comforted them. And all of it started to come together as survival stories, nature’s stories. Zig-zag patterns represented water, crosses signified the 4 directions, circles meant creation, spirals indicated growth, Z shapes symbolized lightning.

As I began to take in the messages and symbols on my Tarot cards I realized that they were a continuation of the ancient stories, still speaking through imagery and symbols. The major arcana cards represented universal life patterns that are still relevant…and evolving. The minor arcana cards showed me manifested patterns and connected me to everyday life.

As I spent time with the images and symbols on my cards, the stories they told came alive. There was a movement in each card, and card spreads could show me vivid stories with beginnings, middles, and ends.

The cards showed me the stories and my Intuition completed and confirmed them. The cards prompted me to recognize what my Intuition knew without them. They attuned me to the cycles and patterns I was experiencing.

Now, 33 years later (updated in 2022) as I teach Intuition Studies, I can say that what we’re learning really is to trust what we already know. Symbolism is a reference that points to life patterns. Truly it’s Life who is our greatest teacher.

If you are interested in developing your Intuition or would like to receive an Intuitive Reading from me, please contact me at 415 267-3970 in San Francisco, CA, or email me via my website.

To Those Who Seek the Wisdom Found In Nature

Intuitive Tarot Lesson 1: What is Intuition?

The High Priestess

Intuitive Tarot Readings by Jeannie
San Francisco, CA
Jeannie Zukav
Main Website
Mobile Website
Call: 415 267-3970

From my experience Intuition is natural. It encompasses all of our senses, the ones we know about and ones that are more subtle. Intuition is part of our survival mechanism. It helps us to see what is around us unbound by time or distance.

Some feel Intuition in their bodies, some hear it in their mind, some see it in their dreams, visions, and meditation time.

Do you get premonitions from time to time? That means your sense of intuitive awareness is open. We all know the feeling we feel when something wonderful or not so wonderful is about to happen. Some feel Intuition in their bodies, some hear it in their mind, some see it in their dreams, visions, and meditation time.

Intuition is a state of awareness that is free of projections and fears. it’s our connection to what is…what is true. With Intuition it’s much easier to know if you should move towards, or away from something or someone.

Trusting your Intuition means you are listening to your whole self. Allowing yourself to listen deeply helps you to stay on your authentic path. It helps you to be real and integrated.

When you develop your intuition you are strengthening your ability to receive information you can trust. Intuition is always here waiting to guide you through life.

If you are interested in developing your Intuition or would like to receive an Intuitive Reading from me, please contact me at 415 267-3970 in San Francisco, CA, or email me via my website.

To Those Who Seek the Wisdom Found in Nature.

Embracing Your Pain – Healing Pain and Anxiety With Compassion and Awareness

Kuan Yin-Compassion

Intuitive Tarot Readings by Jeannie
San Francisco, CA
Jeannie Zukav
Main Website
Mobile Website
Call: 415 267-3970

Do not shy away from your pain

instead, drop into your heart

and feel your deepest agony

for it is there

with the power of love and compassion

that you find your anecdote

Jeannie Zukav


This is my first blog on WordPress. So, for those of you who may not be familiar with me, I am a long time professional Intuitive who lives in San Francisco. I offer individual counseling, mentor those who want to learn how to develop their intuitive abilities, and offer Readings for private and corporate events and gatherings.

In my work, I am presented with people who are trying to make the best decisions for themselves. Fear of failure can stop them from opening doors to new opportunities. The mind says something like, “I want to be in love, or I want to apply for a new position, or I want to write that novel, but when I tried before it didn’t work out and I got hurt.” More times than not, after we experience something deeply negative, our mind will vow, “I’m never going to do that again.”

Healing from painful experiences is an important topic, because if your early life was anything like mine was, you probably weren’t shown too many coping skills to help you to deal with your pain in a productive way. I was taught to either suppress pain or to express my anger to others if I felt I was in the right. Suppressing my pain led to depression and trapped my feelings in a way that they couldn’t change. And expressing my anger just added more suffering.  I also found that the I’m right and you’re wrong perspective pitted me against others, and didn’t help to build understanding.

So what are the steps to transforming pain from something that holds you back, to something that helps you to move freely towards your visions? Zen Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh teaches that we must take care of our pain. That in bringing awareness to our pain we can transform it.

Meditation as Nourishment
By Thich Nhat Hanh

1. Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.

2. Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment.
Breathing out, I know it is a wonderful moment.

By embracing ourselves and our pain, by sitting still with our pain, by breathing into our pain, we begin to take care of it. We don’t analyze or judge it, we simply sit with it and hold it as we would a crying child. We stay with ourselves during our time of need. Even if we have never done so before. It doesn’t matter if the pain is new or old. We accept that we are in pain and sit patiently with it.

You may feel many emotions. You needn’t analyze them. Just allow them to cycle through with acceptance. You may feel a release. You may feel an ease. You are allowing your pain to be part of your path of healing.

Lessons may arise from this experience. Space opens up. New possibilities and beginnings can come because the pain is no longer stuck. It doesn’t mean that you forget your experiences. It means that you have learned to let them help you to take another spin around the wheel of life and to create anew.

If you are interested in developing your Intuition or would like to receive an Intuitive Reading from me, please contact me at 415 267-3970 in San Francisco, CA, or email me via my website. I also work with people of all ages who suffer with anxiety. Presence through meditation and connecting to your Intuitive voice is key. I used to struggle with debilitating anxiety, but have found these tools and others healed and changed my stress responses. I no longer have panic attacks! I would love to help you to heal yourself of anxiety too.

To Those Who Seek the Wisdom Found in Nature.